Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Worry Action Step #3 - Keep a Journal

There’s nothing that helps keep me focused on just how involved God is in the details of my life than keeping a record of what’s going on, my prayers, how they are answered, and the action steps that I fee God is directing me to take. When I feel like God just isn’t listening, or I feel like I’m out there on my own, I look back and see how very involved He is in so many different aspects of my life.

This week, as my husband and I made the hour drive to meet our son at the hospital where the ambulance had delivered him after a snowboarding accident, I was feeling one of those alone moments. It’s easy to get caught up in “Why does this stuff always happen to us?” mode, and I felt myself slipping into that trap. Satan would love nothing more than to isolate me there in Woe Is Me World. God met me through friends and caring medical staff. He met my son through a skier from Florida, ski patrol and ambulance/ER staff. He met us through good weather and roads. Although my impulse was to worry about nerve damage with a shoulder injury… because I’d been down that road with my husband… He distracted me and allowed me to push that worry aside. He put an orthopedic surgeon on call that we knew and were very comfortable with. He gave Adam amazing nurses in the hospital… the list goes on and on.

By giving God our worries through prayer, and by writing down our prayers (and the answers given) we can see the power of God at work, which makes it easier to release the next worry to Him and trust that He will take care of us. We may not always see the answer, or it may not be what we anticipated. We live in a world where bad things happen, but God is with us through the good and bad times. Just because we are traveling through a bad time, doesn’t mean that God is not with us or is not using us.

Just as David trusted that God would take care of him and his men, so did Joseph, Moses, Job, Esther, Ruth, and so many others. The Bible gives us a lot of examples of people with different worries and challenges. God included these examples to show us how they trusted Him with their worries and allowed Him to provide for their needs. God also shows us examples of people who did not trust God and chose to worry and take matters into their own hands rather than trust. Just take a look at Haman, Saul, Sara, and Jona to name a few. These stories illustrate how messed up we can get ourselves when we let worry take over and control our decisions.

If I don’t write things down, so I can go back and see results, the business of life has me just moving from crisis to crisis… worry to worry… and I miss the opportunity to see and appreciate the ways in which God is providing for me and those I pray for. He is interested in the smallest of details and is working in so many directions at once… sometimes it is a person that He brings into my life years before I “need” that person, it might be a job/change of jobs, a move, or a broken down car that delays me and keeps me from being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When I write things down, it helps me to see the bigger picture and find links between things that are seemingly unrelated. It allows me to trust that God is at work in the big picture through every detail, ripple and intersection. It’s bigger than my mind can handle or begin to understand, but I can let go and trust that God knows the big picture and how it all fits together.

May God grant you peace in your heart and the strength to let go of your worries!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Worry Action Step #2 – Pray About Your Worries

As I grab a cup of coffee and find a quiet corner to let God know what is on my heart, won’t you join me? Talk to Him about what is on your schedule and ask Him to give you wisdom and peace as you face today’s challenges and choices.
Psalm 25: 17-21 basically says… the troubles of my heart have multiplied; Lord free me from my anguish.
Releasing my worries... to Him doesn’t mean that I can sit back and watch as the day unfolds. I still need to jump in and take action, but it does allow me to act productively and proactively instead of being weighed down by fear of the unknown and reacting to what happens. David spent much time releasing His worries to God, and certainly he had much to worry about as Saul chased him. Many of the Psalms reveal David unburdening his heart before God.
For all of you out there with connections to law enforcement and the military, you may be relating to a lot of the feelings that David had as Saul hunted him down. David had not done any wrong to Saul, yet jealousy and bitterness had so invaded Saul’s mind he was consumed. David surrounded himself with friends and sought God’s lead and defense.

Psalm 5 1 Listen to my words, LORD,
consider my lament.
2 Hear my cry for help,
my King and my God,
for to you I pray.
3 In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
4 For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness;
with you, evil people are not welcome.
5 The arrogant cannot stand
in your presence.
You hate all who do wrong;
6 you destroy those who tell lies.
The bloodthirsty and deceitful
you, LORD, detest.
7 But I, by your great love,
can come into your house;
in reverence I bow down
toward your holy temple.
8 Lead me, LORD, in your righteousness
because of my enemies—
make your way straight before me.
9 Not a word from their mouth can be trusted;
their heart is filled with malice.
Their throat is an open grave;
with their tongues they tell lies.
10 Declare them guilty, O God!
Let their intrigues be their downfall.
Banish them for their many sins,
for they have rebelled against you.
11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
12 Surely, LORD, you bless the righteous;
you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Today I challenge you step out like David, lay your worries at God’s feet and continue on the path before you. Don’t let worry and fear consume or paralyze you. In our world today, there is much to worry about, yet each new day is a gift from God. How we choose to spend today… what we do with the precious time that we’ve been given… reflects our appreciation (or lack of appreciation) for these gifts. God bless!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Worry Action Step #1 – Begin Each Day with Time Alone with God

God’s Word, has so much information on life, with lots of examples of both how to, and how not to, live it. Every word has purpose. Reading and studying helps me to focus on what is important. The people in the Bible lived lives full of choices, difficulties, joys and sorrows just as we face today. By recording their journey, God has given me a way to view my own journey through His eyes instead of through the narrow perspective of my own eyes. I need to spend time in prayer, but that’s Action Step #2… Action Step #1 has me in a quiet place reading and hearing from Him.

Grab a cup of coffee and a Bible, then find a quiet corner to hear from God. Here are a few passages (NIV) that have stood out to me in the last couple of days as I’ve read headlines and been tempted to be wrapped up in worry, fear, anger and defensiveness :

Luke 12: 25-26 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Psalm 3:1-3 LORD, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! 2 Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” 3 But you, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

Psalm 6:6-10 6 I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. 7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes. 8 Away from me, all you who do evil, for the LORD has heard my weeping. 9 The LORD has heard my cry for mercy; the LORD accepts my prayer. 10 All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish; they will turn back and suddenly be put to shame.

Isaiah 12:2  Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD himself, is my strength and my defense he has become my salvation.”  

1 Peter 2:23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.

Hebrews 13: 5-8 …be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” 6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” 7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
(emphasis is mine)

1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.

1 John 4:4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.

By starting off the day in this way, I place God at the top of my list and focus my thoughts on His plan for my day/future, rather than allowing my own thoughts and worries to take me captive. He helps me gain perspective. What words are speaking to your heart today?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Action Plan for Worry - Start Each Day with God

Seems that putting aside worry is always 'easier said than done'. I believe God gave us worry, but he didn't plan for us to camp out there. Rather, I think he gave it to us so that we would recognize the need to turn it over to Him and not dwell/stew on it. This morning I was talking with God about David, and all that he had to worry about. The Psalms have a lot to say abot how David handled his worries... and he certainly had a lot of them with King Saul hunting him down, and many relying on him for safety and protection.
More on the first action step, Start Each Day With God, later...
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


"Worry is like a rocking chair; it'll give you something to do, but it on't get you anywhere." - unknown
So much to worry about these days... it's gotten me thinking about the subject and what God's got to say about it. When looked up in Biblical Counseling by Dr. Ron Hawkins and Dr. Tim Clinton, they say "There is only one person who can circumvent God's plan for your life... (You)"  There's a lot to that statement, so I'm deciding to put worry on the shelf because I would like to try to stay on His plan for my life! This book recommends setting up a six step Action Plan for dealing with worry. I'm inviting you along as I work through the six steps... 1) Start each day with God 2) Pray about your worries 3) Keep  journal 4) Set boundaries 5) Think differently 6) Seek balance. Won't you join me?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

There is just SO much to be thankful for every day. May God bless you with time to reflect on His grace and the blessings He has put in your life today and every day (even in the midst of a storm).
Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!

Last Minute Pumpkin Dip Recipe...
30 oz can Libby's Easy Pumpkin Pie Mix (w/ spices already in)
1 c powdered sugar
1 sm pkg instant vanilla pudding
8 oz cream cheese
Mix together, spoon into serving bowl and chill. Serve with thin ginger snaps. Makes about 4 1/2 cups.

NOTE: Makes a good pie filling too... use vanilla or cheesecake pudding and put in a crushed gingersnap crust... either double pudding or freeze to set up for slicing.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rag Doll

I have this vision of Jesus holding my hand and dragging me along… like a toddler holds onto a rag doll and drags them along even when they’re practically worn out... of him squeezing me tight when things aren't going right. I feel like I’m bumped and battered, looking worse for the wear with a few spots, many tears and abundant snags...  but somehow He still loves me.

I find it totally amazing that He can look past all of the wear and tear, and just love me for who I am... but then I see a small child with a worn out blankey, doll or favorite toy. I see my MaryAnn doll with matted hair and one eye that won't stay open, my husband's old 1/2 bald Ted, my daughter's rag of a blanket, my mom's music box that's dented and missing one leg... to anyone else they may look like junk, but to their owners every dent, rip and bald spot is a symbol of love. I think that's how Jesus see's my scars, failures and faults. Instead of blemishes or ugly stains, His grace shines over and through them. He loves me in spite of all this... because of my willingness to have faith and surrender them.

I guess I'll just be content to be Jesus' MaryAnn...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are you ready?

Many have prayed for our family, whether you know us or not…   prayer…   it is powerful.
I cannot begin to thank you enough for each and every prayer that has been offered on our behalf. I want to let you know that:
·          God is at work
·          Miracles are real
·          Prayer is powerful, peaceful and such a privilege

1 Timothy 2:1  I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—

Philippians 4:6   do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God

God hears every prayer that is offered in Jesus’ name. His answers are not always what we expect, or even desire in the moment; however, He does answer. Sometimes, in our business or near sightedness, we miss the answer, but it is there. Sometimes the answer is
·          “just wait”
·          “not now”
·          “I have something better” 
God sees the big picture and how everything fits together. This world is a broken place where bad stuff happens… sickness, heartbreak, injury and even death. This life here is but a temporary stop on the way to eternity, and His desire is that all would choose to spend eternity with Him.
He often works through people here to reach other people and share His love and grace. How we work through this life and the challenges we face gives us each opportunities to turn our backs on God and hide his grace, or seek His guidance and direction to move through the challenge with His grace shining through to show and encourage others in their own challenges.

On July 6th, 2002, Ladd was a motorcycle cop who loved what he did.
That day; however, our lives changed forever as a pickup traveling 50-60 mph plowed into him.
A chain of miracles began to take place as God’s hand of mercy held Ladd together – first through Him alone, and then through His people. A number of his injuries could have been (or maybe should have been) fatal.

·         Head injury
·         Ruptured diaphragm
·         Transected aorta
But God had another plan.
When I arrived at the hospital, the surgeons sat down to explain what they were going to do. They asked me 3 main questions:
1.       Is he an organ donor?
2.       Does he have advanced directives?
3.       Does he have a living will?
They didn’t ask… Does he know Jesus?

Our society teaches us a lot about being prepared for the unexpected – insurance, wills, advance directives…
We do these things just in case; to be prepared.

Yet, so many put off the decision to acknowledge their sin and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior… the one decision that has eternal consequences.
They use excuses like:
  • “I’m just not sure.”
  • “I’m not ready yet.”
  • “Maybe someday.”
  • “Jesus is for those who are too weak to stand on their own.”
  • “The Bible is archaic and judgmental.”
  • “I’m basically a good person.”
Yet, this one is the easiest (and cheapest) step of preparedness that there is…
No lawyers or accountants needed; and the fee/premium has already been paid – 100% in full.

Thankfully, I knew that Ladd had accepted Christ. I knew that should this be his time to leave us; he was going to get to move into Heaven.
I knew that no matter what, God was in control, and that knowledge allowed me to wait in peace while Ladd was in surgery for hours. While others thought I was in shock, or just didn’t get it, I had the peace of knowing that he was in the hands of the Father.
It is that peace that comes from knowing that without a doubt we are here for a purpose (or set of purposes) and this is but a short stop on our way to eternity. I knew that if Ladd’s purpose was not yet fulfilled, God was going to bring him through this, perfectly equipped to carry out that purpose. By the same token, if he had fulfilled his purpose; there was nothing that anyone could do to keep him from moving into Heaven.
God spoke to my heart and let me know that Ladd was not done here and that part of his purpose was to live and be a testimony to God’s miraculous power and grace.
Ladd did come through surgery that night. I later found out that they had used over 100 units of blood and had needed to resuscitate him 3 times. But God brought him through.
We were told that if he made it, he would be months in the hospital and in a rehab facility. He came home after 11 days!
He had a lot of healing to do, but our family was together at home. The community support and encouragement was amazing. Ladd has no memory of the next 11 difficult months. I believe that Satan tried in many ways to prevent us from getting to where we are now… from staying the course and trusting God with the details. He is ruthless and hits us when we are down and where we are vulnerable. I am so very thankful that God is ever faithful and always waiting to be called into the battle. Unfortunately, sometimes we forget to call Him in! We definitely would not have stood a chance of winning on our own.
We are each here for a time on our way to eternity. None of us knows how much or little time we have. Each of us has a choice where we will spend the rest of eternity. It is my desire – it is God’s desire – that each one of us would have the peace of knowing for ourselves, and for those whom we love, that Heaven is our eternity.
To know that peace, each of us must choose to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;
to admit that we are sinful and mess up; and to repent and ask His forgiveness.
It’s as simple as that and summed up in the words of a young Thomas Epting, who battled cancer most of his young life:
“Mom, you think too much! God sent His Son to die for me! If He never did anything else for me, sending Jesus is enough for me to praise him as long as I live. Just focus on that, Mom, and quit worrying about the tumors!”

Friday, September 30, 2011

In Loving Memory—Mom’s Last Great Sacrifice (excerpt from Dependence Day)

I also want to dedicate this book to my mom, whom I miss very much. Just a couple of months before my husband was in a serious wreck, my mom had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. She could not tolerate any of the medications used to slow the progression of the disease, so, unfortunately, it progressed very rapidly.
My mom had always been one to send cards and letters of encouragement to people. She never missed an occasion. When the wreck happened, and my husband was fighting for his life in the ICU, she sent me a beautiful card telling me that she was praying for me. Unfortunately, the card was a sympathy card. Bless her heart. She didn’t realize the error, and we just had to love her for her good intentions.
By Christmas of that same year, 2002, we knew that she would no longer be able to stay at home. My dad, brother, sister, and I collectively decided to add her to a waiting list at a nursing home. We thought that there would be time to adjust to this idea, as this facility’s rooms didn’t become available terribly often. As it turned out, God opened a door right away, and we moved her in within a few short weeks.
Mom settled in right away. It was a blessing to know that she was safe and cared for. It was also a blessing, in a sad and special way, for me to have her close by to talk to. Because of her disease, I was able to tell her anything and talk to her about all my worries and fears. I did not have to worry about her trying to correct me or fix me; she just listened to every word. She didn’t mind just sitting in silence and letting me lay my head on her shoulder. She had all the time and patience I needed.
When I needed to get away to somewhere quiet and focus on what was really important—God, family, relationships—I could always go by Garden Court at Saint John’s Lutheran Home. I know Mom didn’t get Alzheimer’s for my sake, and I would do anything to not have had her go through that disease. Yet, I marvel at God’s timing. It is amazing how He manages to bring good things out of bad situations.
Only those who have been married to their best friends, who have shared everything and then had their relationships drastically changed, can begin to understand how very lonely it is. Those who experience a spouse with Alzheimer’s understand the kind of loneliness I felt after my husband’s accident, and I found comfort in being around the families of the other residents. I found inspiration in my dad as I watched him stand by my mom.
Mom lives in heaven now, but she was there for me when I really needed someone to just listen. I know that God is always there to talk to, too, but I believe that He worked through her to comfort me when I so desperately needed a friend. Thank you, Mom, for your last great sacrifice.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"THERE WILL BE A DAY" (Official)

Cherished Memories (3)

Although this life is temporary, and we live it in a broken world where bad things happen, God allows us to interact and share our lives with those He has places around us. We are meant to live in the present, but are graced with the capacity to remember, and to forgive. What an awesome combination... a combination that allows our memories to be weighted with the good we shared with others whose paths we crossed rather than burdened by the bad.

Memories are to be cherished, but the present is to be lived out... to serve and to experience all that is ahead. The present is full of choices that lead to our future. Whether that future is a day, a year, or many years; that is not for us to know, but it is for us to live.

One day, when each of our temporary is through, we will each move to eternity. In this, God has given a greater gift than memories, it is a gift of choice. I am so very thankful for the day that Katie came home from youth group all excited and eager to share that Austin had declared his choice to give his life to Jesus. Because he chose to accept this gift, he has started on his eternity with God in Heaven. One day, we will see him again there. For now, it is our job to live in the present, cherish the memories and open our hearts to those God puts in our paths today.

Jeremiah 29:11 
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Making Sense of it All (2)

As I sit in prayer, the only thing that makes any sense is that life in this world is temporary... for some temporary is longer than others, and God is with us as we walk through the joy and the pain. He longs for us to lean on Him and grieves when we push Him away to face our pain alone... just as a mother grieves as her children push away and rush head long into disaster. He sees where we are and where we are going, and He longs to take our hand so we don't venture off into danger. Why are we like rebellious children, pushing Him away as though He doesn't know what is best? When will our eyes open and our arms and embrace Him as father, protector, comforter, Holy God - creator of all?

My mind and heart ache for His comfort as we try to make sense of Austin's death and move into Katie's wedding. Two young people; two different paths. Why Austin? Why now? Why a motorcycle accident rather than any other kind of tragedy? Lord, I feel like a little child with all of my "whys" but I trust you to know the path through this and up ahead. Take my hand and walk me through. Pick Katie up and carry her through. Make yourself known to Austin's family and friends so that they my know your peace, strength and eternal love; so that through this loss much would be found.

The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms - Deuteronomy 33:27

Monday, June 27, 2011

Reflections and Mysteries (1)

One mom prepares for her daughter's wedding while another mom prepares for her son's funeral... joined by a common thread, lives intertwined, memories tangled and emotions run full circle in dizzying exhaustion...
This is the picture of our world this week. My heart breaks for my daughter's pain and for the pain of a family in mourning. At the same time, I am excited and proud of my daughter and new son-in-law as they begin a new part of their lives together and prepare for their future. I go from tears of grief to tears of joy and go through the day in numbness. So many things that people around me seem to be concerned with seem so trivial against this backdrop... yet they are important to them.
For a moment I reflect on the miracle that brought us to this point... the miracle that my husband is here to walk our daughter down the aisle in light of two almost fatal motorcycle accidents. Then my mind moves to the motorcycle accident that just took the life of her friend.
Life is so fragile. How our lives inter tangle and how much time any of us has is a mystery. I am so thankful that God knows the answers to all of my questions and that His love is ever faithful.
As I pray for peace for Austin's family and friends, I pray for my daughter and her new husband and I ask God to reveal His grace.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Upside of your Downside

I visited a church in Mississauga, Ontario with some dear friends this past Sunday. The sermon, delivered by Pastor Deric Bartlett, was entitled "The Upside of your Downside" and was based on Psalm 11:5, with references to verses such as 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, Deuteronomy 8

The message really spoke to me about how we shouldn't waste the trials we face on this earth, but use them to grow our faith, depend on God's strength, perservere, and refine our walk with Christ. As I listened to the message, I reflected on the fact that I have found in some of the greatest trials I have come face to face and on my knees with my own weaknesses. In facing my weakness, I was better able to lean on God's strength. I am sad to say that in good times, when I'm not in the midst of trial, my tendency is to rely on my own strength. How selfish and short sighted of me!

I hope and pray that I will learn from the trials of this life and come through them leaning on Christ so that I may reflect Him on the other side. I do not deserve His help, and certainly could not relflect Him without His grace, mercy and forgiveness; but am in awe that He does actaully love me and can actually use me!

May God bless you and encourage you, and may you trust fully in Christ as you face whatever trial comes your way.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Japan - my prayers are with you

It's been just over 2 weeks since the massive earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. My thoughts and prayers continue to be for the people of this country... especially for my friends Kenichero, Mitsui, Yuki, Kai, Yohei and the rest of their family. I pray for their safety, and that they would find comfort in the presence of Christ as well as hope in His promise of salvation.

We are all imperfect people, living in an imperfect world full of other imperfect people... but God is absolutely and completely perfect. He has promised an eternity without sin, sorrow, pain and loss for those who trust in Him. Oh how I look forward to that.

I pray for the people of Japan and that there would be many who find hope in uncertainty, and eternal gain in their earthly loss. I pray for God's peace to ease their fears and for the Holy Spirit to fill their hearts.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

I am a lucky woman and blessed to have spent the last 25 years married to the love of my life.  He put this together for me, and I just want to share how awesome he is!
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Heart is Breaking

My heart breaks for the lives that have been lost in Philadelphia and in other so-called "clinics" around the world. As details are aired on the news, I am deeply saddened that this goes on in our world, and even more saddened that abortion is defended in so many circles. How can it be? I don't understand it. My prayers go out to those who would have been mothers as the pain of their choice tugs at their hearts.

As we set our sites on God's direction and vision for 2011 at LaVie Earlly Pregnancy Clinic, I am more determined than ever that our services are needed. We must be a voice for those who do not yet have a voice. We must be a safe place for women who are scared and facing what is likely the biggest decision of their life.We must offer hope, acceptance, confidentiality, encouragement and God's love to every woman who walks through our doors... and we must have our doors open!

I am thankful for the clinic that stated out as the Billings Crisis Pregnancy Center 20 years ago. I am thankful that God has blessed our ministry and allowed us to grow to meet the needs of so many little ones and their moms... and many dads too. I am thankful that we are able to offer ultrasound at two locations in Billings. I am thankful for our staff and volunteers, and I am thankful for the women who come through our doors and choose life. I am thankful for our partners in ministry... for those who trust us to use their resources to reach those who need us.

Life... it's a beautiful choice!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Power of Prayer

So many people have prayed for our family over the course of the years. We first felt the incredible power of many prayers being offered on our behalf when our son was born with a heart defect. He was carefully monitored and dilligently prayed for over the course of his first 2 years of life. When the time came for him to need open heart surgery, it was just a couple of months after his second birthday.

As we loaded our car for the trip to Denver Children's Hospital, we knew that literally hundreds of people were praying for our safe travel and for the doctors, nurses and our little patient. The day before surgery was loaded with pre-op appointments, and Adam had no idea what lay ahead. As mom and dad spent hours visiting with surgeons and specialists, he quietly played in each office... no small miracle in itself.

All went well, his heart is fixed; however, I cannot even imagine going through such an ordeal without the peace of Christ and the covering of prayer. Yet, I know that there are those who do not have that peace and support who do face crisis with their children's health, or their own health, every day.

This world is broken and bad things happen. Christianity does not shield us from the world and it's brokenness, but faith in Christ does give us an eternal perspective... it provides a context that allows us to live in the big picture rather than simply in the moment. That context is that I don't need to know all of the details, why's or how's. It's God's job to see the whole picture and how everything works together to complete it. He's all about answering prayers, even when sometimes we cannot see the answer, or the answer is not what we expect; the answer is always what we need. Never give up praying and be encouraged to commit to pray for each other.

1 Timothy 2:1 "I urge you, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone."

Philippians 4:6 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."