Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Guard Your Heart

In the wake of this week's tragedy in Las Vegas, I am once again grieved over the acts against fellow human beings that people are capable of. 
I have been praying for our country and our world. I have been praying for people to put aside hate and division for years now, yet the wave of hate seems to be growing instead of shrinking. We need to wake up and be conscious of the dangers of hate, and we need to be intentional about removing hate from our lives. 
Evil is all around us, and it is fueled by hate. The only way to counter hate, and therefore evil, is love... and God is love. (1 John 4:8)
Unfortunately, some people have rejected God's love, have allowed themselves to be consumed by hate, and have succumbed to evil. When we view others through a veil of hate, we cannot see their humanity, we cannot be objective. Sin/Satan wins. That is why we need laws... and prisons... and locks on our doors. That is why we need boundries. That is why we need Jesus.
I've seen far too much hate being given a pass in the name of protest or whatever the latest cause seems to be. Hate is a cancer that grows. There is no honor in hate, and it is extremely dangerous. Guard your hearts (Proverbs 4:23) because what comes out of your mouth (and your actions) comes from your heart. (Luke 6:45


  1. I love you and your strength by God. I am proud to have you as my friend. Thank you for continuing to pass your messages along. I don't always comment but know I listen.

    1. Awww... thank you for taking time to comment and for your support. God bless you my friend :)

  2. Such good words Heidi. I am sorry that there was an occasion that caused you to post, but unfortunately Satan is going to do everything he can because he knows his days are numbered. Love you my friend!


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