Sunday, November 4, 2012

Who Knows?

Who Knows! It is a common response to difficult questions.

For example...
Who's going to win the election? Who knows!
How did you do on that test? Who knows!
When will it ever rain? Who knows!
Why does cancer exist? Who knows!

No wonder Horton was always looking for Who. He knows everything!

In reality, the answer to all of these questions could/should be "God knows." So, whenever you think "who knows", pause to think "God knows."

God wired us to seek Him, for our countenance to be uneasy without Him. Imagine if we went all out searching for God like Horton went all out for Who. Imagine if we stood up for our faith like Horton stood up for Who. Imagine if we listened as intently for God's voice as Horton listened for Who's voice. Just imagine...

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