Wednesday, November 13, 2019


Survivors... depending on the crowd, survivor can mean anything from someone who has made it through cancer treatment to being the last one standing after a stint of 'roughing it' in the woods. Generally, the term means someone who has experienced severe (life altering) challenges, beaten the odds, and come out on the other side.

When I hear survivor in the context of law enforcement, there are of course the families of the fallen... coined survivors because they have dealt with great loss. Those who have to figure out how to live with a huge hole in their lives. My heart breaks for them and I cannot know the pain of their loss.

Yet... my heart goes to the forgotten... those heroes who have been critically injured serving and protecting our communities. Those whose lives have forever been changed, disrupted, all but taken from them... those who get up every day to face challenges, pain and loss... those who have had everything they knew about life ripped away overnight... those who keep fighting, even when it seems like the whole world is against them... those who feel broken and discarded when they can no longer do the job they were called to do, because of that job... those who are here, but they're not... those who have families who are not allowed to grieve their huge loss, because they survived. These are my HEROES. These are the men and women who have learned first hand that simply surviving is not living. These are SURVIVORS. These, and their families, are who I am honored to serve, honored to know, humbled to call family.

These are the survivors I fight for from the depth os my heart. These are family.

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