Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Being Thankful for "Boring"

Thankfulness Pumpkin Centerpiece
When things go wrong, we realize the full magnitude of so many things we take for granted because they've been going right.
  • The sickness of a child - How many healthy children are taken for granted, unappreciated and mistreated or treated like burdens? How many children have parents who fail to thank God for the gift of healthy children?
  • The loss of use of a hand - How many times have I given up because I couldn't get something in a tight spot or untangle a knot? How often have I complained because I couldn't carry a big enough load with two hands and had to make another trip?
  • The death of a loved one - How many times have I driven past instead of stopping to visit? How many times have I sat in the same room with the TV on and not engaging in the lives of those around me? How many times have I failed to listen and hear?
  • A broken down appliance - How many times have I taken food out of the refrigerator or started a load of laundry without being thankful for the opportunity to do so?
  • The persecution of Christians - How many times have I sat in my living room with my Bible and various resources? How many times have I listened to Christian radio? How many times have I gone to church? How many times have I acknowledged how much of a blessing it is to be able to do this without fear of violence or persecution?
I've often thought and prayed for "boring" - a section of life where nothing dramatic or unexpected happens. Yet, have I appreciated those times when they came? Or, have I wasted them by not even acknowledging them when they were present? Did I draw nearer to God and thank Him for the average/nothing happening here day? Or, did I coast through unaware until the next crisis, and pray again for boring and uneventful?
Maybe if I appreciated "boring" more, there wouldn't be a need for me to grow through crisis. Maybe I need to be more thankful for the crisis times and for the lessons they have taught me, for the friends they have brought me, and for the growth of my faith in God that they have allowed me to experience. Maybe God knew all along that I would waste the "boring"; yet "boring" really isn't all that boring, but instead a matter of perspective and contentment.

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. - Philippians 4:11-13 (ESV)

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