It's come up from time to time, and again just this week, where someone has said something along these lines to Ladd. "So you're a Christian, yet so much bad stuff has happened to you and you live in so much pain. I'm not a Christian, and my life is good. I'm on the top of my game. How has God helped you?"
Often these words are spoken in a bitter tone that seems to contradict the idea that their life really is so good... similar to Professor Radisson in the God's Not Dead film. Often these words seem to be spoken by someone who is young, and possibly immature... now I'm generalizing, but this is based on personal observation/experience, not merely speculation.
Ladd's answer might go something like this...
Well, when I was your age, I had already served two tours of duty overseas as part of a US Marine peacekeeping force defending the freedom of people I did not know; representing a country that I love and willing to die for the freedom we have. I was beginning my career as a law enforcement officer, serving people who did not know me and who often mocked me because of my position, not because of anything I did (or didn't) do personally. While I did not know them, I was willing to put my life in danger for them. I saw the evil that people are capable of when they live for themselves with an attitude that they could take whatever they could get from life, rather than serve and put others first. I saw the hurt that comes from selfish lifestyle and choices, and I saw many people who thought they were "on the top of their game" fall to the bottom because of their self serving lifestyle.
Through my service, I was building character... the part of each of us that exists and comes to the forefront when nobody is around to see. Did I make mistakes? Yes. Did I let those mistakes define me or give up trying to live a life to serve? No.
Yes, some really bad stuff has happened in my life and to me, but... there is a fundamental difference between that bad stuff and the evil that exists around us being perpetuated by selfishness. God did not cause me to get hurt. Rather, He allowed others to make choices, in this case choices to drive impaired or distracted. Their choices, their actions, have caused me great pain. God didn't cause them to make those choices, but he allows each of us to make choices every day. Often the choices we make effect others around us in very profound ways. It was God who walked me through those times in the shadow of those choices, and it is He who is using that experience to help encourage others. If not for His clear presence, I would not be here, and I would rather be "on top of His game" than my game any day.
God has brought me through the effects of evil many times throughout my life, including being shot at and witnessing horrible situations that could easily haunt my memories. He has walked with me as an example of hope despite pain. He has allowed me to be a witness to His healing power and deep compassion. Although in pain, I am content to continue to choose to serve and to put others before me, rather than see people and situations only as what I can gain from them. I am far more happy and content in spite of my difficulties because of the peace I have in Christ. At "the top of His game" I can be at peace with God and myself whatever the day brings, rather than be in constant turmoil seeking what I can gain at someone else's expense.