Thursday, November 24, 2011

There is just SO much to be thankful for every day. May God bless you with time to reflect on His grace and the blessings He has put in your life today and every day (even in the midst of a storm).
Happy Thanksgiving and God bless!

Last Minute Pumpkin Dip Recipe...
30 oz can Libby's Easy Pumpkin Pie Mix (w/ spices already in)
1 c powdered sugar
1 sm pkg instant vanilla pudding
8 oz cream cheese
Mix together, spoon into serving bowl and chill. Serve with thin ginger snaps. Makes about 4 1/2 cups.

NOTE: Makes a good pie filling too... use vanilla or cheesecake pudding and put in a crushed gingersnap crust... either double pudding or freeze to set up for slicing.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rag Doll

I have this vision of Jesus holding my hand and dragging me along… like a toddler holds onto a rag doll and drags them along even when they’re practically worn out... of him squeezing me tight when things aren't going right. I feel like I’m bumped and battered, looking worse for the wear with a few spots, many tears and abundant snags...  but somehow He still loves me.

I find it totally amazing that He can look past all of the wear and tear, and just love me for who I am... but then I see a small child with a worn out blankey, doll or favorite toy. I see my MaryAnn doll with matted hair and one eye that won't stay open, my husband's old 1/2 bald Ted, my daughter's rag of a blanket, my mom's music box that's dented and missing one leg... to anyone else they may look like junk, but to their owners every dent, rip and bald spot is a symbol of love. I think that's how Jesus see's my scars, failures and faults. Instead of blemishes or ugly stains, His grace shines over and through them. He loves me in spite of all this... because of my willingness to have faith and surrender them.

I guess I'll just be content to be Jesus' MaryAnn...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Are you ready?

Many have prayed for our family, whether you know us or not…   prayer…   it is powerful.
I cannot begin to thank you enough for each and every prayer that has been offered on our behalf. I want to let you know that:
·          God is at work
·          Miracles are real
·          Prayer is powerful, peaceful and such a privilege

1 Timothy 2:1  I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—

Philippians 4:6   do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God

God hears every prayer that is offered in Jesus’ name. His answers are not always what we expect, or even desire in the moment; however, He does answer. Sometimes, in our business or near sightedness, we miss the answer, but it is there. Sometimes the answer is
·          “just wait”
·          “not now”
·          “I have something better” 
God sees the big picture and how everything fits together. This world is a broken place where bad stuff happens… sickness, heartbreak, injury and even death. This life here is but a temporary stop on the way to eternity, and His desire is that all would choose to spend eternity with Him.
He often works through people here to reach other people and share His love and grace. How we work through this life and the challenges we face gives us each opportunities to turn our backs on God and hide his grace, or seek His guidance and direction to move through the challenge with His grace shining through to show and encourage others in their own challenges.

On July 6th, 2002, Ladd was a motorcycle cop who loved what he did.
That day; however, our lives changed forever as a pickup traveling 50-60 mph plowed into him.
A chain of miracles began to take place as God’s hand of mercy held Ladd together – first through Him alone, and then through His people. A number of his injuries could have been (or maybe should have been) fatal.

·         Head injury
·         Ruptured diaphragm
·         Transected aorta
But God had another plan.
When I arrived at the hospital, the surgeons sat down to explain what they were going to do. They asked me 3 main questions:
1.       Is he an organ donor?
2.       Does he have advanced directives?
3.       Does he have a living will?
They didn’t ask… Does he know Jesus?

Our society teaches us a lot about being prepared for the unexpected – insurance, wills, advance directives…
We do these things just in case; to be prepared.

Yet, so many put off the decision to acknowledge their sin and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior… the one decision that has eternal consequences.
They use excuses like:
  • “I’m just not sure.”
  • “I’m not ready yet.”
  • “Maybe someday.”
  • “Jesus is for those who are too weak to stand on their own.”
  • “The Bible is archaic and judgmental.”
  • “I’m basically a good person.”
Yet, this one is the easiest (and cheapest) step of preparedness that there is…
No lawyers or accountants needed; and the fee/premium has already been paid – 100% in full.

Thankfully, I knew that Ladd had accepted Christ. I knew that should this be his time to leave us; he was going to get to move into Heaven.
I knew that no matter what, God was in control, and that knowledge allowed me to wait in peace while Ladd was in surgery for hours. While others thought I was in shock, or just didn’t get it, I had the peace of knowing that he was in the hands of the Father.
It is that peace that comes from knowing that without a doubt we are here for a purpose (or set of purposes) and this is but a short stop on our way to eternity. I knew that if Ladd’s purpose was not yet fulfilled, God was going to bring him through this, perfectly equipped to carry out that purpose. By the same token, if he had fulfilled his purpose; there was nothing that anyone could do to keep him from moving into Heaven.
God spoke to my heart and let me know that Ladd was not done here and that part of his purpose was to live and be a testimony to God’s miraculous power and grace.
Ladd did come through surgery that night. I later found out that they had used over 100 units of blood and had needed to resuscitate him 3 times. But God brought him through.
We were told that if he made it, he would be months in the hospital and in a rehab facility. He came home after 11 days!
He had a lot of healing to do, but our family was together at home. The community support and encouragement was amazing. Ladd has no memory of the next 11 difficult months. I believe that Satan tried in many ways to prevent us from getting to where we are now… from staying the course and trusting God with the details. He is ruthless and hits us when we are down and where we are vulnerable. I am so very thankful that God is ever faithful and always waiting to be called into the battle. Unfortunately, sometimes we forget to call Him in! We definitely would not have stood a chance of winning on our own.
We are each here for a time on our way to eternity. None of us knows how much or little time we have. Each of us has a choice where we will spend the rest of eternity. It is my desire – it is God’s desire – that each one of us would have the peace of knowing for ourselves, and for those whom we love, that Heaven is our eternity.
To know that peace, each of us must choose to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;
to admit that we are sinful and mess up; and to repent and ask His forgiveness.
It’s as simple as that and summed up in the words of a young Thomas Epting, who battled cancer most of his young life:
“Mom, you think too much! God sent His Son to die for me! If He never did anything else for me, sending Jesus is enough for me to praise him as long as I live. Just focus on that, Mom, and quit worrying about the tumors!”