Thursday, August 6, 2020

Victim Mentality

I am so tired of hearing people and their excuses... I just don't want to work with, or surround myself with, people who insist on living under the weight of victim mentality. Things rarely go as planned. People are messy. Life is full of twists and turns. It's far past the time to let ourselves fall prey to labeling ourselves as victims of this or that. 

When something, or someone, gets in the way of where I'm going, I can choose to get angry about the interruption, or embrace the journey. After all,  backroads have some of the most spectacular views that are seen at a slower pace than the billboard ridden freeways traveled at high speeds.

Embracing the journey, I've found, has provided some of the best experiences and relationships that I would have totally missed on my planned path.

I'm choosing to live intentionally. Seek God in every circumstance, and watch out for unexpected blessings. I will fall short. I will get sidetracked, but I will not be anyone's victim. I will not be defined by anyone other than the one who created me, and that is a good place to be.

All of life's struggles are not simply because I am ________ (fill in the victim group). It's time to throw off that weight and be free to live! Are you ready to join me? Your journey as a child of God holds so much more promise than any journey as a victim. Lets do this!