Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How Do I Say Ouch?

Life with a spouse who has suffered major trauma and lives every day in incredible pain means it is hard to acknowledge when I am hurting. 
It means when I break my ankle and  a doctor asks "What is your pain on  a scale of 1-10?" I don't know how to answer. It can hurt like heck, but when I live every day with someone who experiences off the charts pain every single day, I answer "2"... because I can't imagine how my pain compares with his every day world.

It means pushing through what would bring me down under other circumstances... because I have to be strong and positive. 

It means having a terrible time feeling guilty when I can't do everything, but I don't know how to rest.

It means always pushing, always doing, always praying, always trying. 

It means my hurt takes a backseat to his pain, and I'm ok with that most of the time. But... sometimes I need to say ouch... without comparing my hurt to his. I'm working on that.