As I meet people from all walks of life, especially those facing their own huge mountains, there is a question that seems to come up relatively frequently. This leads me to believe that this is perhaps a good topic to share about.
The question "Hasn't your faith been shaken?" ,or something quite similar, has come up often enough that it has caused me to step back and really examine the answer. In all honesty, I have to say that in the years since Ladd's career ending incident, rehab, recovery, re-injury and all that has gone with it; my faith has actually grown exponentially. This is not to say I never asked God why or got frustrated and overwhelmed. I have found; however, that when the crisis is SO big, it is somehow easier to turn it all over to God than when facing the small, every day crisis' that come with just living life.
Somehow, when there is no possible way for me to shoulder a huge burden on my own, I more easily ask for help than when I think I can handle it on my own. Truth is, God doesn't want me to just hand him the big stuff. He does want me to ask for His help though.
I have watched Him, felt Him, pick up the big stuff, and in so doing He touches so many little details that He proves beyond a doubt that He truly cares about me, my family and all of the details of our lives. When I spend regular time with Him, ask Him for help, and listen for answers, He picks me up, dusts me off, and sends me back into the game stronger and ready to play my best.
I suspect that is the same feeling that Ruth had when she and Naomi set out on their own, or that David had when he faced Goliath. With confidence that God has my back, I can face each day/giant without being consumed with worry and weighed down by burdens.
This is not to say I never find myself feeling overwhelmed or worried, but when I do it is most likely because I have let the world take up my time with God. When this happens, it's time for a good sit down, heart-to-heart, often tear filled, talk with God. It's amazing how that can be just the thing to renew my faith and restore my strength.
The question "Hasn't your faith been shaken?" ,or something quite similar, has come up often enough that it has caused me to step back and really examine the answer. In all honesty, I have to say that in the years since Ladd's career ending incident, rehab, recovery, re-injury and all that has gone with it; my faith has actually grown exponentially. This is not to say I never asked God why or got frustrated and overwhelmed. I have found; however, that when the crisis is SO big, it is somehow easier to turn it all over to God than when facing the small, every day crisis' that come with just living life.
Somehow, when there is no possible way for me to shoulder a huge burden on my own, I more easily ask for help than when I think I can handle it on my own. Truth is, God doesn't want me to just hand him the big stuff. He does want me to ask for His help though.
I have watched Him, felt Him, pick up the big stuff, and in so doing He touches so many little details that He proves beyond a doubt that He truly cares about me, my family and all of the details of our lives. When I spend regular time with Him, ask Him for help, and listen for answers, He picks me up, dusts me off, and sends me back into the game stronger and ready to play my best.
I suspect that is the same feeling that Ruth had when she and Naomi set out on their own, or that David had when he faced Goliath. With confidence that God has my back, I can face each day/giant without being consumed with worry and weighed down by burdens.
This is not to say I never find myself feeling overwhelmed or worried, but when I do it is most likely because I have let the world take up my time with God. When this happens, it's time for a good sit down, heart-to-heart, often tear filled, talk with God. It's amazing how that can be just the thing to renew my faith and restore my strength.