How far have we come from the ability to see the big picture? Just like in the days of Elisha in 2 Kings 6:17, there is a very real battle going on all around us, every minute of the day and night. The battle is between God and His angles, and Satan and his demons. God is stronger and more powerful, and will eventually win the war. He's just giving us a chance to choose sides first.
Every time we ask God to step out of the battle, it is not so simple as Him merely stepping out. Satan moves in, just as an earthly enemy takes over and conquers ground not occupied by their foe. We should not be fooled into thinking we can ask God to back off and get out of the battle, and have that be the only result. When we ask God to move out, Satan moves in.
Would you join me in asking God to come back in and conquer the ground we have surrendered to Satan? God will conquer, whether we ask or not, when all have chosen their allegiance. I'm choosing to stand with God's army and would love to stand on the winning side with you.