Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Another Kind of Hero - Veterans of the War on Our Streets

I have recently had the opportunity to meet (virtually) the wives of several heroes... veterans of the ongoing war on our streets. Whether injured by a bomb blast, bullets to the head, neck or elsewhere, run over on the streets, or any number of catastrophic events, these men and women are no less veterans than the soldiers in our military. Many in fact served in our military before on our streets.

Yet, there is no VA or DAV, or other organization that helps these vets navigate life with disabilities. They are often cut off from medical insurance and have to fight their departments and local governments for even work comp assistance, let alone other benefits they are supposed to receive. Technicalities and loopholes are swiftly navigated by city attorneys with bigger budgets and resources to fight. Families are fighting their personal battles to survive each day, and rather than come along side of them, their agencies and localities seem to want them to just go away. They are treated as though they are thought of as a burden that nobody wants to, or knows how to, deal with.

There are many organizations that reach out to and support our disabled military vets... they are needed, and we owe a great debt to our disabled military vets. There are a number of organizations that reach out to the families of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty... these are also needed, and we owe a huge debt to those who gave their all. There is a mind boggling lack of support for our disabled law enforcement veterans. We also owe these heroes our thanks and support. They gave no less than veterans on foreign soil. They were active duty officers on our streets, trained to serve and protect. They are no less heroes and their lives (and the lives of their families) are no less broken by their injuries.

Recently I found out about new devices to help relieve pain and increase mobility when legs and ankles are severely injured by blasts or crushing injuries... these devices are only available to active duty military injured in the line of duty... not active duty law enforcement injured in the line of duty. Law enforcement are considered civilians in this case and not eligible for consideration. With injuries of the type that are often the result of combat... with the mindset and determination to go into situations that civilians run from, they are caught between civilian and enlisted, Injured law enforcement officers don't "fit" into either category.

This is but one small example. Officers and families are struggling all across the nation... spread apart and concerned with just doing life. They are the heroes who do not, or are not able to, push
for the treatment that they deserve. Many don't even stop to think that the way that they are being treated is absolutely wrong, or even feel that they deserve special treatment. Some are burdened by guilt because a partner or another officer didn't survive. Most humbly don't feel worthy of hero status, because they are soldiers who are wired to give their all for what they believe in.

This September Ladd and I will have the opportunity to meet disabled law enforcement veterans from around the nation... to personally thank them and their families for their sacrifice and dedication. We will also get to meet a group of active duty law enforcement officers who are reaching out to disabled officers in an attempt to begin to fill this gap. What an honor and privilege to be invited to be present among these heroes! Our deepest gratitude goes out to Hunting for Heroes. (

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Benchmarks in Time

There are those events in life that become benchmarks in time.... graduation from high school, getting married, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one... and traumatic events. These events become points of reference for things that happened before and things that will happen after. July 6, 2002 was one of those defining moments in time for our family. So many things only make sense when put into the perspective of before or after "Ladd's first wreck".
A significant part of how we view these defining moments ,when the moment has passed and we are finally able to look back on them, has to do with how we responded to the challenges and choices that the moment brought. Did we respond in faith, generosity, and reliance on God to carry us through? Or did we respond in selfishness, greed, anger, or bitterness toward God?
I envision Noah referring to time before the flood and after; Esther marking events from before queen and after; Moses referring to before the Red Sea split and after, and Shadrach, Meshach and Abdnego classifying time before and after the furnace.
I wonder if the majority of those events that would be considered defining moments are the results of either miracles and times when we saw and acknowledged God at work, or of times when we have defiantly turned our backs on God and marched off in our own direction? I pray that I would have more defining moments from times when I saw God at work and joined Him in whatever He was doing, than from times when I marched off in my own direction.

Friday, July 6, 2012

A New Routine

Ten years ago today, July 6th fell on a Saturday. I spent the day painting the living room and playing with the kids. Ladd was working his motor patrol and came home for dinner. It was a pretty routine summer day up until that point. That evening our whole world changed and we began to search for a new normal, a new routine, for our family. In some ways it seems like just yesterday, yet in others it seems like a lifetime ago... Thank you to all who have stood by us and encouraged us, laughed and cried with us. Thank you to so many new friends who continue to encourage us as we step out to share our story and reach out to others. We have been truly blessed by the paths we have crossed... paths that we would not have crossed had we stayed in our old routine. God has called us out of our comfort zone, out of our routine, to share our journey and how He has provided for our every need. So glad that He calls others to walk along side us on this path!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

While the 4th of July marks our amazing country's birthday and the freedoms that we enjoy within our borders, my heartfelt thanks go out to all who have served to protect what our founding fathers began and sacrificed so dearly for. I love it when our church plays the anthem from every branch of the service and encourages all who have served to stand and come to the front as their branch anthem is played.

While we celebrate Independence Day, this holiday also holds significant meaning for our family in the realization of just how dependent ...we are on God the Father. In just a couple of days it will be 10 years since our lives were turned upside down ... on 7/6/02 I received the call no LEO wife ever wants to get, but every LEO wife rehearses in her mind. The last 10 years have required a balance between independence and dependence... while we are independent in the sense that we do not rely on our expect others (or the government) to take care of us, we are not ruled by tyranny, we have a vote and a say in our government, we have a Constitution that defines our rights as citizens of a great nation; however, we are also dependent because nothing we do is possible without the grace of God.
There have been many peaks and valleys throughout these 10 years, but every year at this time I spend a little extra time in prayer and am so thankful that Ladd is here with us to celebrate yet another holiday, to play with our granddaughter, to work and provide for our family... to just be a part of our lives.
God isn't finished with this story yet, and I'm anxious to see where He's going to take it as we depend upon Him to guide us.
This 4th of July, celebrate America's independence, thank an officer or serviceman (servicewoman), but join me in prayer that the people of our nation do not get so caught up in independence that we forget the importance of being dependent upon God.
God bless America!