It's been just over 2 weeks since the massive earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. My thoughts and prayers continue to be for the people of this country... especially for my friends Kenichero, Mitsui, Yuki, Kai, Yohei and the rest of their family. I pray for their safety, and that they would find comfort in the presence of Christ as well as hope in His promise of salvation.
We are all imperfect people, living in an imperfect world full of other imperfect people... but God is absolutely and completely perfect. He has promised an eternity without sin, sorrow, pain and loss for those who trust in Him. Oh how I look forward to that.
I pray for the people of Japan and that there would be many who find hope in uncertainty, and eternal gain in their earthly loss. I pray for God's peace to ease their fears and for the Holy Spirit to fill their hearts.
Heidi grew up on a ranch in south central Montana where she learned firsthand the value of hard work, family and neighbors. Advocacy and support for the most vulnerable in our country has long been a passion of hers… Her husband of 33 years was critically injured during a traffic stop in 2002, ending his career in law enforcement. Their family’s faith and experience following line of duty disability retirement prompted Heidi to begin writing to share their journey.